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How to Setup PioneerRx POS with Bookkeep

Walkthrough of the steps to getting this report-based application up and running

Our PioneerRx integration's core features are as follows:

  • [Report file type]:  PDF
  • [Report name]:  POS Register Summary
  • [Report data type]:  Sales summary
  • [Report period]:  Single day
  • [Can report be automated?]: Yes

PioneerRx POS is one of Bookkeep's many report-based integrations. These integrations allow you to turn downloaded (or emailed) reports into accounting entries with Bookkeep's AI tools. 

PioneerRx's POS Register Summary report** can be accessed via The Scheduled Reports feature in the Manage Search and Saved Search work areas found throughout the PioneerRx advanced search areas (i.e. Rx Transaction Search, Rx Item Search, Care Action Search, etc.). 

Scheduled Reports allow users to generate specific reports on defined days and times, and set them on a recurrence schedule. These reports can be configured to be emailed to one or more email addresses.  Please see screenshot below for a sample Scheduled Report to Bookkeep:

Sample scheduled report

These automated reports can then be sent to your Bookkeep email address.  For more information on how to access your entity's Bookkeep email address, review the Your Bookkeep email address knowledge article.

Our Bookkeep AI technology will process your attached files and book the appropriate single-day sales summary entries automatically.  We will update you via email when your new connection is live on our Bookkeep account under Connections > Apps.