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How to Setup Treez with Bookkeep

Walkthrough of the steps to get Treez up and running

To begin utilizing Bookkeep's automated journal entries for Treez, you must connect the Treez account where you would like to import the data from. Below we will go step-by-step through the setup process to ensure you are ready to go!

Note: As the Treez connection process is a little different from our other app connections, we will complete some of the steps ourselves to ensure a valid connection has been established.

In order to connect your Treez store to Bookkeep, Treez Customer Support will need to complete a form (see image below) providing Bookkeep with API key data so we can establish a secure connection to your Treez store(s) to your Bookkeep dashboard.

To get access to this form please click here 

After this request is granted by Treez they will provide the required API data directly to us and we will connect your Treez store/s to your Bookkeep entity and communicate it to you.

From your Bookkeep dashboard you will see your Treez store connected to Bookkeep in your Connections-Apps listings:

Now that your Treez store is connected to Bookkeep, you will need to complete your mapping to the accounts from your Accounting Platform (e.g. QuickBooks Online) which can be found on the Connections tab and clicking on "Setup" to expand the dropdown where you can then click "Map" for each specific template. After completing the mappings, you can ensure that any desired journal entry is set to ON, which will activate a daily journal entry for each template.

Within the dropdown from the Connections view, you can click "Setup" ->"Configure" where you should select the correct time zone and end of day for the Treez account that you have connected. This will impact when we complete the next journal entry and ensure we are retrieving the right data for that time period:

This is where you will also need to choose your Accounting platform company file where the Treez data will be posted.

Once you have mapped the necessary journal entry templates you would like to turn to ON, you are good to go! You will see journal entries begin posting to your accounting platform the next day or alternatively you can start posting historical data if you are catching up on your accounting! For more information, please contact [email protected]