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Shopify Product Types and Bookkeep

How Bookkeep uses Shopify Product Types (Categories)

Shopify provides the following information on Product Types as found here:

  • Providing detailed information about your products helps customers to find what they're shopping for and helps you to keep your products organized.*

Each of your products can have only one standardized product type and one custom product type. Product types aren't required, but they are useful.

Bookkeep leverages this Product Type data to populate our journal entry subcategories to enable you to book your sales data as granular as the Product Type level. For example, in the image below, the total Gross Sales could be mapped to one account from your accounting system. However, you may choose to map the subcategories (in this case, Animals and Pet Supplies) i.e. Shopify Product Types to a separate account to book your Product Types separately to have more granular reporting. 

Bookkeep retrieves this data from Shopify at the time of the posting to accounting. For example, if the journal entry for 1/1/2022 was run on 1/2/2022 we retrieve the Product Types as of 1/2/2022. This occurs since we complete the journal entry the day after the sales day. However, we also allow you to run historical dates to post to accounting, meaning that you could run journal entries years in the past. For example, you may run 1/1/2021 on 4/1/2022. In this case, we would see the sales data from 1/1/2021 but the Product Type data we receive from Shopify is the data as of 4/1/2022. This means that if the Product Type for a product was updated between 1/1/2021 and 4/1/2022, it may be different from your reporting in Shopify. This is because Shopify provides the live Product Type data for a particular product. 

If you have any questions on Bookkeep's automated accounting, please reach out to [email protected].