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Shopify Source Data Attachments

Bookkeep offers financial data files for each Shopify Ecommerce journal entry

For users looking to gain deeper insights into their Shopify Ecommerce journal entries, we have introduced a feature that allows you to access and download source data files for each entry. By navigating to the Activity view and selecting a specific entry, a modal window will appear. Within this window, you will find a dedicated Source Data tab where you can easily download the relevant files.

There are four types of files available for download:

  1. Orders: This file contains a concise overview of each order included in the selected journal entry.

  2. Line items: Here, you can access a detailed breakdown of every line item that contributed to the journal entry.

  3. Transactions: This file provides a comprehensive breakdown of all transactions, including payments, associated with the selected entry.

  4. Tax Lines: For a clear understanding of the sales taxes collected, this file offers a breakdown of the various tax lines within the journal entry.

These source data files aim to enhance your understanding of your Shopify transactions and empower you to make informed decisions based on detailed insights.